Thank you for your support!
Do you want to support us? Thank you for your interest in our work.
Many interesting and important projects depend on donations and cannot be implemented without this money.
Our Donation Accounts:
The LGBT life e.V.
Kontonummer: 191422789
IBAN: DE04 1005 0000 0191 4227 89
bei der Berliner Sparkasse
oder Sie können Spenden auch bequem per PayPal überweisen:

You can also support our work with your crypto donate on our crypto wallets:
Wallet Bitcoin (BTC):
Wallet Tether US, Tron (TRC20) (USDT):
Your donations are tax-free. For amounts up to 200 euros, please attach your bank statement and simplified donation confirmation to your tax return. For larger amounts, specify your address. We will be happy to send you a donation receipt by mail. If you want to make regular donations or make in-kind donations, we will certainly be happy to help.
For all information about donations, please write to