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Deutche Post and DHL discrimination Refugees. Their documents are not accepted at post offices

Fatal Flash

Everyone knows that the German post is distinguished by the speed and reliability of delivery of parcels and letters. the management of the organization puts the protection of personal data of its customers at the head of the company and talks about it in every possible way in all its interviews. But probably few people know that this company discriminates against refugees who have Aufenthaltsgestattung, instead of the usual for Germans "Reisepass" or ID card that satisfies their identity in Germany.

According to the german basic law (article 3, paragraph 3), "No one may be harmed or given preference because of their gender, origin, race, language, place of birth and kinship, religion, religious or political views. No one can be deprived of their rights because of their limited opportunities."

But apparently for deutchepost this article has an empty sound. the fact is that a refugee who has an aufenthaltsgestattung cannot receive a parcel at the post office by presenting this document to the post office operator, since according to the internal rules of deutche post, the aufenthaltsgestattung is not included in the list of documents certifying the identity of the post office customer.

As a result, the rules of the deutche post violate the article of the basic law of germany. but not just her.

Germany Reisepass

In this way, the company discriminates against customers, in our case, by denying them access to the company's services, which is contrary to the AGG (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz) law, which aims to prevent or eliminate discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or gender.

Aufenthaltsgestattung zur Durchführung des Asylverfahrens

In accordance with paragraph 2, paragraph 1, subparagraph 8, discrimination for one of the reasons specified in article 1 is not allowed under this Law in respect of: access to and supply of goods and services available to the public, including housing.

In this case, if a person cannot receive a parcel at the post office, it is a violation of this law as there is a ban on access to services.

Paragraph 68 Asylgesetz paragraph 1, states that "For the duration of the asylum procedure, the alien satisfies his / her identification requirement with a residence permit certificate".

Fatal Flash has personally experienced such treatment.

Fatal Flash

"Now, I can not pass the identification of my identity either to the post office or through the postident application, as the documents that I attach to identify my identity are not suitable, as they do not meet the internal rules of this company. In this regard, I have problems with receiving parcels. I've been struggling with this for a year now. Most recently, I sent a letter to the company demanding to identify me by my document. Otherwise, I will go to court."

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