For many in the LGBT community, coming out is very difficult. After all, we never know how our relatives and friends will react to this. But sometimes, it happens that coming out is done regardless of whether you want it or not. It happened to me too. I began to realize that I was gay at an early age. But like all children, at first I was very afraid of this feeling and in every possible way hid it from myself, thinking that this is temporary and everything will pass. But over the years, the feeling became stronger and stronger. In the end, I began to understand that I was drawn to my own gender. I began to study this on the Internet, secretly from my parents I watched video clips with handsome guys, gay films and TV shows. I began to meet guys on the Internet and correspond with them. I didn't think to tell my parents that I was gay. It happened by itself. It was summer 2016. My mother saw a chat with my boyfriend on Skype. And when I was returning from him, she made a scandal for me. My coming out was a coincidence that influenced my future life. The life I live in now. After my mother found out that I was on chamomo, she kicked me out of the house. I then went to another city to see a guy. Study, work.
From that moment on, an abyss of hatred, misunderstanding and no desire to accept me as I was formed between me and my mother. Honestly, I did not think that my own person would say the words to my face: "You are no longer my son." "I didn't give birth to a gay man."
But now, I am free. I live the life that brings me happiness, joy and pleasure. Yes, I got this life at such a price, but everything has a price. Whether my mother is right is probably no more than yes. And maybe vice versa.
Today, on the eve of International Coming Out Day, I want to tell each of you who are reading this article right now. Be strong. Coming out is one of the most important moments in the life of every LGBT person. We sometimes get ready to confess to the world our true feelings, we are afraid to do something wrong. But tell the truth. shouldn't hurt. By telling the world who mu are we are freed from the burden and pain that has been with us all the time up to this moment. Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings. Don't be afraid to admit to yourself and the world around you who you are. After all, knowing yourself is an important part of our life. I love each of you. Each of you deserves to be accepted as he is. Each of you is worthy to love, be loved and give this love to the world around you. Don't be afraid to walk out of the closet. Don't be afraid to live openly and freely. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO BE YOURSELF.
I invite everyone to tell their story of coming out or to share their fears of disclosing it.
Email us your stories with the subject "My Coming Out".
From 11th to 16th October, my team and I are ready to listen to you and help you reach the world. Help you become more self-confident and love yourself for who you are.