Last Tuesday, December 27, 2022 members of The LGBT life e.V. held a general meeting where they heard the report of the board for the past year, as well as re-elected the new board and made changes to the statutes.
Members came together for the annual meeting, with the previous board reporting on their work. The Fatal Flash board chair welcomed the members and thanked them for attending. He also reported to the members on the successes of the past year.
"On the whole, we were able to accomplish everything we had planned and fully implement the projects we had envisioned. I thank everyone for their interest, cooperation, and help," -Fatal said at the end of her speech.
The most important point of the meeting was the re-election of the board of the organization.
"I thank my colleagues who started with me to manage and succeed in helping the LGBTQ* community. Today, according to our bylaws, we are on the cusp of re-electing the executive board. I am very happy that the new members have expressed their desire to take the helm and lead this organization into a brighter future," - said Fatal in her speech.
A unanimous decision of the members elected a new board of Fatal Flash, Eugenii Samoilov and Lev Puchinin, who will manage the organization for the next term.
Each of the board members has an immigrant background and knows firsthand what it is like to be a refugee. The new board will meet for its first working meeting in January of next year to outline the organization's work plans and development strategy.